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  • Writer's pictureJust Jase


I forgot a couple things in my last post.

Last year, I had a few friends use an app called 1 Second Everyday. (No, I’m not sponsoring the app. If I was, I would have linked it.) Basically, you record one second of every day and, depending on how long you do it for, you’ll have a compilation of every second of however long you do it for, each one from each day you took the video. Most people start theirs on New Years Day, and I planned to do the same thing. The problem is I forgot to start recording videos on New Years. So, trying to be creative, I thought I’d start on my birthday. That way, it’d be a whole year of my life to the day, not to the calendar.

I love doing it. Well, I love having the videos with the memories. I always feel weird doing something fun with friends and interrupting it with “Hey! I should get this for my one second!” and proceeding to record for it. However, at the end of the day, I’m glad that I decided to make that interruption because now I can see part of it again in video form. Doing it also helps me remember the memories I made with people.

I also forgot to mention that I went back to my parents’ house so that I could watch my little sister perform in a dance recital. I was a little bummed out that I couldn’t see the second performance because they did different things for each show but I’m glad I at least got to see one of them.

I may take some heat for this last one but I just saw my first Harry Potter film a few weeks ago. As a tall (not big) movie buff, it is presumed that I have already seen all of them. Alas, I have not. I was not allowed to growing up. I was barely allowed to say his name (Harry’s, not Voldemort’s). So, after making fun of them when comparing them to The Lord of the Rings and The Chronicles of Narnia, I can now say that I quite enjoy them and apologize (sorta).

To be fair, Harry Potter should be compared to Narnia more than Lord of the Rings. They both take place in both the modern world as well as either a fantasy world or has numerous fantasy elements that it could almost pass as one. Instead, Lord of the Rings should more appropriately be compared to Game of Thrones. Granted, it is technically a TV series, one of the many I have not seen nor plan to, but they are more closely related in that they are both entirely set in their fantasy worlds.

Nerd rant over.

Now, as for this past two weeks, I’ve been working a lot. It’s been clock out at the college, drive across town, and clock in at Dillons. It keeps me busy but it’s also starting to wear me out.

On Friday, I went with a crew to Kansas University to pick up some furniture they were donating to Sterling College. That was a long but good day. It was about three-and-a-half hours there. So, after I chatted with some of the guys, I took a nice long nap. That is the first time I’ve been paid for sleeping on the job and I feel no shame. It was great.

For the longest time, I didn’t think I was the problem child in the family. I bet I would have had I not been working or otherwise kept myself busy throughout high school. Honestly, either way, I was probably still the problem child.

Now, I think I am the problem child everywhere I go. This is due in part to my snarcasm but also to my allergies. I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to eat the food we were given for lunch at KU. When I found out that they made a big order to Jimmy John’s, I knew that I was in a pickle. Sadly, I didn’t get to eat one. Instead, I just ate the meat and lettuce in our ham and turkey subs. It was even weirder in that I didn’t eat at a table. So, there I was picking and eating sliced ham and shredded lettuce with one hand while holding wrapped bread and cheese in the other, knowing I was going to throw it away when I got done. I got some looks from everybody but no one asked why I was doing what I was doing. So, I just sat there and ate my food.

When we were on the way back to Sterling, we stopped at Freddy’s to get ice cream. At that point, I didn’t care. I cheated. I got a sundae and ate that delicious thing knowing full well it was going to be a difficult evening. But, man, was that hot fudge turtle sundae good!

I haven’t really done much of anything else really. I helped a friend move in and clean up her new house. I FINALLY got to play the PS4-exclusive Spider-Man. I went to a new church for the first and now, as of today, second time. I’m always hesitant when it comes to going to new churches. I’ve been to several growing up, each with their pros and cons lists, the cons list usually prevailing. So far, this one is different, but different good. I’m still a little skeptic but we’ll see where it goes.

So, yeah. I guess this means I’m officially back for bi-weekly updates. If you have anything you want to know, just ask. Is free.

So, yeah. I guess this means I’m officially back for bi-weekly updates. If you have anything you want to know, just ask. It'll make these more interesting. Plus, is free.

Oh, and before I forget, no, I did not go see the re-release of Avengers: Endgame with the extra footage. I’ll wait for the Blu-ray to see it. Nonetheless, I still hope it beats Avatar! And to all the people hating on the Russo brothers for this cheap move to pass it at the boxoffice: Avatar did the exact same thing. It’s only fair.

For reals, nerd rant over.

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