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  • Writer's pictureJust Jase

Technically Done

This week, I technically finished the brunt of the lab. I wrote my tenth news story last week and wrote my third sports story this week. All I have now is to attend our weekly meetings and write these blog posts.

Fun fact: Everyone in the lab had to do a sports story this week.

Fun fact: There were no home games for any sport this week.

So, instead of covering a game, knowing next to nothing about sports, I did an update for women's junior varsity basketball. I didn't even know the difference between varsity and junior varsity.

Since there were no home games for me to get photos for, I attended a practice the other day and took photos then. It wasn't too bad.

Gathering scores from games is hard because junior varsity doesn't rank. And since they don't rank, no one thinks it's important to cover the game via video, let alone post the scores afterwards. If they do, they don't label the game as a junior varsity game. So, it was hard in that regard as well.

I enjoy taking photos, but sports photography is a whole new ball game... Get it? OK, moving on.

But seriously, taking photos for sports is very difficult because you don't know what's going to happen where and when, let alone have time to think how to best frame the moment and get to that spot on time.

It fascinates me how people can do it. Props to you guys. *raises glass*

Well, since I technically met all the major requirements of this lab, let's see how I will finish it out for this semester.

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