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  • Writer's pictureJust Jase

Thanksgiving Break

This week, no one in the lab had stories to cover because we were all on break for Thanksgiving and nothing was going on on campus. Alas, here I am reflecting on my experience in journalism this past week.

My break was semi-busy.

It started on Tuesday afternoon when my 1 o'clock class got out at 2:15. I then finished my packing and drove my sister and myself to our parents' house. The battery on her car had died, so she had to ride with me. I knew that the car ride would either be very quiet or very not. It was the latter.

My grandmother from Iowa came down for Thanksgiving. Usually, more of our family comes but this year it was just her. We had a fairly good time nonetheless. She arrived later that night.

On Wednesday, I went to see twenty øne piløts in Kansas City, MO. I left early in the morning, spent an hour parking to spend the following eight hours in line to get as close to the stage as possible. It was worth it. It was the best concert I have ever been too.

After getting home around 3:30 in the morning, I spent the next morning trying to catch up on sleep. After I woke up, I went over to a local church and spent the rest of my Thanksgiving helping serve at a free meal for the community.

On Friday, we went to Wichita to go shopping, meaning I did a lot of walking around while the girls and women shopped. On the way home, we went to the movies before heading home to spend the rest of the night hanging out with the family and my sister's boyfriend who came over to visit.

Saturday was going to be my homework day, but it ended up being our family Thanksgiving, meaning we had leftovers from the community meal and pretended it was all fresh food.

Today, I spent four hours driving a two-hour trip back here to Sterling because of the snowstorm. I made it! And now to catch up on all the homework that didn't get done over break.

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